Take the Stage Programs help children develop discipline, excellence, and self-worth throughout all aspects of their lives.
Take the Stage is an outreach program of Owen/Cox Dance Group To donate funds specifically to the Take the Stage program, please click the button below.
"Participating in Take the Stage makes me feel excited for the future because it makes me happy…and proud of myself." –Leslie
Take the Stage Programs are designed to: • Improve self-confidence and general behavior in and out of school • Positively impact student attendance, academic engagement and test scores • Promote good health through vigorous physical activity and lessons on food choice • Support healthy classroom environments through improved peer-to-peer and student-teacher relationships • Form friendships among children and adults from a wide variety of socio-economic and geographic backgrounds • Foster important connections and learning opportunities between students and leading community institutions • Inspire students to become a community of motivated, creative thinkers
As a non-profit organization, Owen/Cox Dance Group relies upon public support to continue to bring our programming to students in Greater Kansas City. There are several levels of giving, all of which help our students reach for the stars.
Sponsor-a-Class provides students 28 weeks of dynamic, challenging dance classes and 2 exciting performance opportunities--$5,400.
Sponsor-a-New School provides students a semester of instruction + 1 special performance opportunity--$2,700.
Sponsor-a-Child enrolls a student in our year-long program--$300.
Sponsor TeamExcel! provides specialized training for students in our advanced performing group -- $150.
Whether you wish to sponsor a category or make a donation of any size, all gifts are important and make a difference that can last a lifetime to a child.
Take the Stage and Owen/Cox Dance Group are a 501(c)(3) organization; your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Owen/Cox Dance Group is part of the Combined Federal Campaign, CFC #16312
Take the Stage Donors Help Students Shine
Frank and Margaret McGee Fund The Breidenthal-Snyder Foundation Louis and Frances Swinken Supporting Foundation The Estelle S. & Robert A. Long Ellis Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City Louis and Elizabeth Nave Flarsheim Foundation Leo Gilbert Wetherill Foundation The Seeley Foundation Lisa Choules Dr. Robert Claasen Linda Nottberg The Sakati Family Jan Schoonover George W. and Ada Heath Ultch Memorial Fund -- Commerce Bank, Trustee Jeffrey D. Zimmerman, Attorney of Law